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Insta-Success: Instagram Marketing Tips – Part 3

By now, you’ve likely started implementing some of our tips into your Instagram marketing methods and hopefully have seen some results! We’re going to finish off this series with a few more tips on how you can ensure Insta-success.

Partner with Influencers. On Instagram, users who have established credibility and an audience, typically in a specific industry, are known as “influencers.” Posts by influencers are often seen by more users and considered trustworthy, which often leads to more awareness or profitability for whatever product they may be showcasing or being sponsored by. Pairing up with an influencer is worth considering, especially if you’re in the early days of trying to grow your brand and attract followers. That being said, partnering with an influencer can carry a hefty price tag so be sure you have an appropriate budget and that it will pay off for your organization. You can also consider instead of engaging with a big-level influencer, looking at your company’s followers and seeing who has a good number of followers of their own as a potential influencer for your business.

Update Your Bio Link. On Instagram, you can only have one URL and that’s in your bio. When posting a photo, you can write a URL in the description underneath, but it won’t be clickable — users will instead have to copy and paste it into a web browser. Because of that, you want to be sure to update your bio link, rather than just keeping it as a generic direct to your company’s website homepage. You can also use Bitlink in your bio to track how many clicks your Instagram page is driving to your business’s content or website.

Drive Traffic to Website. Driving traffic to your website is directly to your bio link. If you’re announcing a new product, rolling out a giveaway, etc., tell users that there’s a “link in bio” and make sure that you have updated the link there to drive traffic to the appropriate page on your website. You want to make it easy for your followers and potential customers to follow your call-to-action and actually take action, rather than deciding it’s not worth the effort or trouble. Ultimately, Insta users may engage with your brand and learn more about it on the platform, but until they are redirected away from your Instagram post and prompted to do something (such as buy your product), you won’t see a spike in profitability.

Hopefully, the tips from this three-part series have given you some new ideas on how to better use and leverage company’s Instagram account. See you on the ‘Gram!

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Insta-Success: Instagram Marketing Tips – Part 2

As we stated in last month’s post, Instagram’s user numbers are growing — so you need to capitalize on this prime social media platform when it comes to marketing. Let’s continue our three-part series with this second post that will introduce some other tips you should implement when using the ‘Gram in your marketing efforts.

Show Off Your Office Atmosphere. Transparency is big with consumers today, as is a more personal touch. Rather than just coming across as a faceless corporation, highlight your office culture on your Instagram. Post photos or short videos of your office, meetings, project kickoffs, or employees and include a quote or bit of information underneath the posting that allows users to get to know your company on a deeper level. Instagram users will appreciate getting a more intimate look into where and your organization operates and the people that work at your business

Get Into the #Hashtag Game. Hashtags are a big key to success when it comes to Insta and marketing on the platform. Utilize commonly used hashtags with your posts to grow your company’s reach and users’ awareness of your brand. Anywhere from 5-10 hashtags per post will help you start to expand your presence on the site. You can look up what common words or phrases are being used as hashtags and how many posts have already used that specific hashtag in order to increase your engagement and gain more followers. Make sure your hashtags are relevant to what you’re sharing and consider creating a hashtag of your own to use in your posts and for users to include in their posts when they are using your product. Mix up the hashtags you use by including some very popular ones as well as some more specific and perhaps less popular ones as those will allow your post to remain near the top of the tag’s results for a longer period.

Engage Consistently. It’s not enough to just post daily or a few times a week — though you should be consistent in how much your company is posting on Instagram. Be sure you are also commenting and liking other images and videos, following new people, and otherwise showing you are an active user. If you feel your business is lacking for content, go the User-Generated Content route (covered in Part 1 of this series!)

That’s all for part two of this series. Join us next month as we finish this series with a few more helpful tips and keep the above advice in mind or put it into action in the meantime!

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Insta-Success: Instagram Marketing Tips – Part 1

Instagram has become an increasingly popular tool for marketing professionals and companies to use over the last few years. With more than 1 billion monthly users, the photo-sharing platform is a prime way to connect with potential and current customers. Even if you and your business have a presence on Instagram, you may not be using the platform to its fullest potential. With that in mind, we’re going to dive into some tips on how to have more success on Instagram in this new three-part series.

Utilize User-Generated Content (UGC). Brand awareness is key to growing your consumer base. That’s where user-generated content comes into play. With UGC, you’ll curate and share content that others have created that are pertinent to your brand or showcase your product. Not only will UGC promote your company by way of word-of-mouth, but it’ll also mandate you interact frequently with others on the platform as you get permission to repost photos, like posts that include your brand or product, etc. To make it easier for you to curate, inform users that if they want to be reposted by you, they need to use a specific hashtag.

Highlight New Products, Exciting Updates. Besides just posting relevant photos, you can also announce new products, share exciting updates, hiring news, and more, all through your images, videos, and Instagram Stories. By keeping your Instagram current and updated with your company’s news, it’ll become an extension of your business and marketing campaigns and further your branding efforts. If you have an event happening, consider posting on your Instagram Story about it or go Live on Instagram during the event.

Offer Deals/Giveaways. Many giveaways and deals on Instagram are driven by users. You can offer prizes to those who take the best photo of themselves using your product, share coupon codes with your followers to reward them for their business and loyalty, and offer other deals to those who engage with you on Instagram. Make sure that you include a call-to-action that users can easily follow or do in relation to your deal or giveaway. And be certain that for whatever deal or giveaway you offer, the parameters are clear and you follow through on whatever is promised — otherwise, you’ll end up hurting your reputation and possibly losing followers on Insta.

Consider starting to use some of these tips in your Instagram marketing efforts and come back next month to read the second part of this series!

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