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4 Key Factors of a Good Press Release

If you write a bad press release, it’s practically worse than if you hadn’t written a press release at all. Luckily, there are four core key factors you need to be sure you’re aware of when writing a press release in order to make it “good”  — and we’ve listed them here.

1. Newsworthy. Press releases shouldn’t just be about mundane updates happening at your company — the whole point of a press release is to announce something inherently newsworthy. Whether it’s a new product, new hire, change in company policy, etc., you want to make sure that what you’re taking the time to write a press release about deserves attention from the greater public. Otherwise, you can just send an internal announcement to employees at your company if you want to share news but it’s really only “newsworthy” to those working at the organization.

2. Engaging. From the headline to the very last word, you want to engage readers in whatever your press release is covering. Grab attention with an interesting but brief headline and keep your press release short as well — without leaving out anything important. Cover the who, what, when, where, why, and how within the first paragraph or two of your release so the most relevant and crucial details are divulged first before moving onto other relevant, but less weighty facts.

3. Quotable. Putting quotes in your press release gives your content a more human factor and allows readers to feel like they’re getting to know your company on a deeper level. Don’t jam-pack your release with quotes but include one or two that add value from credible and diverse sources.

4. Inclusive. Your press release should end with you including things like your contact info and company details. Facts about your company, such as when it was founded, how big it is, its mission, etc., are standard practice. And if there’s anything truly brag-worthy and unique about your business, you’ll want to include that too. Plus, your name, email address, phone number, and any other relevant method of communication to get in touch with you should be written as well so if a journalist is interested in doing a story or someone wants to learn more, they have an easy way to contact you for further information.

Now that you know the four key factors to a good press release, make sure you put them into action in your own release writing in the future!

Image via Pexels.com

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4 Tips for Writing a Press Release that Will Grab College Students’ Attention

Creating a press release that will grab the attention of college student readers is key as you want to relay your newsworthy information to the right audience. In order to grab their attention, keep these four tips in mind.

1. Write a catchy headline.

The headline you craft in your press release is the thing that will get the attention of journalists, bloggers, and college student readers, so you have to make it count. Make sure your title is less than 20 words so that it’s succinct and effective and gives readers a good idea of what the press release is announcing.

2. Create content with a purpose

When writing a press release, you want to make it easy for those who may write an article on your release to do so. That means including all key information within the press release; who, what, when, where, and why. If your press release is written with bloggers, college students, and future articles in mind, they’ll find it more convenient to form potentially posts around your content. Additionally, including contact information about your company and how to get in touch will enable journalists to fact-check more readily and allow college students to follow up.

3. Include quotes.

To add weight to your press release, consider including relevant quotes or comments from people who helped make the news you’re publicizing. This way, you make it easy for bloggers to quote your press release and give your post more substance, which is crucial when college students are your audience.

4. Add an image.

Once college students and other readers have clicked on your press release to read it, you can keep their attention by making sure to include an image in your press release. Having an eye-catching and pertinent picture will make your press release look more finished and aesthetically pleasing, which will encourage readers to stay on the page and actually read through your entire press release.

Keep these four tips in mind when creating your press release and you’ll be sure to grab readers’ and bloggers’ attention!

via Pixabay

via Pixabay

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