Oregon Law Trades Education for Future Paychecks
When the Federal student loan interest rate doubled, Oregon countered by offering free tuition to students attending its universities. Instead of paying back a loan with a set interest rate, students would pay 3% of their paycheck to the state after they graduate. The plan is no doubt revolutionary, but not everyone is excited about it:
“Why work so hard?” Walker said, mentioning that those who graduate and find higher paying careers would end up contributing more to the fund than those who decided to go into service positions, such as teachers or reporters. “You don’t know how much you’re going to make after college,” Walker said. “Just saying it’ll be 3 percent won’t matter if I don’t get a job.” – Daily Emerald
The bill will enter a study phase in 2015, meaning that it will not become the law of the land until at least 2019.
Sonoma State Orientation Leader Asked to Remove Her Cross Necklace
When Sonoma State Junior, Audrey Jarvis, was asked to remove her religiously affiliated jewelry before going in front of future students as an orientation leader, she was understandably shocked. After the incident received national coverage and Jarvis teamed up with Liberty Institute to seek restitution, school president, Ruben Armiñana, released an official school-wide apology:
“Somebody made a mistake. It should not have happened . . . you are free to display whatever religious instrument you wish.” – President Ruben Armiñana, as quoted by the Sonoma State Star
Jarvis will be meeting with school officials, and it’s possible that legal action will be brought against the school as well.
Nick Offerman, aka Ron Swanson to Visit Ohio University in November
Award-winning actor and comedian, Nick Offerman (best known for his role in NBC’s Parks and Recreation) will be visiting Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium on Nov. 9 as part of his American Ham Comedy Tour. Offerman’s tour begins in Rhode Island this August and marches down the Northeast coastline before heading inland to Ohio’s campus.
Gainsville Florida, Columbus Ohio, and Los Angeles California Named Top Cities for “Bros”
Unsurprisingly, some of the biggest cities for “bros” are those with large fraternity presences, but don’t think that being a bro is necessarily a bad thing:
“I generally think of it positively. Sometimes being a bro and having bros means a lot of times you’ve gone through a lot of the same things and shared experiences. That’s what makes you bros.” – Chris Sposito, Junior at the University of Florida
Apparently popped collars, beer pong tourneys, and lots of muscle-y beach pics aren’t always thought of as a bad thing.