Twitter has become increasingly popular over the last several years and is an integral social media tool to be using when marketing. It’s a great way to reach millennials and if you use Twitter correctly, you may even keep that fickle demographic as loyal consumers. Let’s dive into some Twitter talk where we’ll cover some Twitter marketing tips in this three-part series.
1. Choosing a good username and photos. Whatever Twitter handle you pick has to be short, catchy, and easily recognizable. You want users who search for your company to quickly find your page. If your brand’s name is long or has some sort of special character in it that you can’t use in your handle, opt for the next closest thing or an abbreviated version of your business’s name and be consistent in using the same handle across all social media channels. Your profile photo should be your company’s logo unless it’s not simple and legible on all screens. Your header photo is also a good place to put your logo or otherwise showcase your brand.
2. Write a great bio. Your Twitter bio is limited to 160 characters which means you need to pack a punch in a small word count. Your bio should accurately reflect who your company is or what they do while also being unique so you’ll want to be precise, show some personality, and make sure your overall bio fits with your brand’s messaging and audience. Additionally, your bio is a great place to include relevant hashtags or other tags that users should use or that your company will use when posting.
3. Be Creative. Whether it’s inviting users to check out your website or announcing a new product, replying to a follower who tagged you or something else altogether, you don’t want your Twitter account to be boring. Creativity is key. Be funny, be original, and be interesting. It’ll attract more followers and do wonders for your brand recognition and sales. That being said, you may want to create branding guidelines as far as language your company uses and doesn’t use and how it responds to certain types of posts. While you don’t want your content or replies to be uniform, a general sense of consistency is a good idea.
Stay tuned for next month’s blog post where we’ll continue our Twitter marketing series with Part 2! And in the meantime, take a look at your company’s Twitter account and make sure you’re implementing the above tips.