Dr. Date: My girlfriend is wayyy too into astrology 

Originally Posted on The Minnesota Daily via UWIRE

Dear Dr. Date, 

I don’t believe in astrology. I never have and I never will. But I feel like every time I’m with some girl, they try to pull up Co-Star to further figure me out. Before we even talk about our music interests, our majors or our hobbies, they want to know about my exact time, date and place of birth. Astrology feels invasive and the people who subscribe to it are using their self-serving bias to form opinions about people they barely know. 

Now, I’ve begun dating a girl who also uses Co-Star as a bible and takes our astrological compatibility all too seriously. 

If I’m tired, she’ll say it’s because my Mercury is in retrograde. My emotions fluctuate like any normal human being, but how do I tell her I’m sick of her astrological analysis?


I don’t want to see the signs

Dear I don’t want to see the signs, 

If this is continually an issue for you, maybe talk about it with her while also not invalidating what she believes in. Who’s to say what she believes in is true or false? Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t real to her. 

I suggest reminding her that, although she really enjoys this platform of psychoanalysis, it isn’t always for you. Maybe point out that it’s a point of contention, and you don’t identify with the signs that Co-Star has prescribed you. Explain to her that it irritates you when she assumes you’re acting a specific way due to your astrological alignment, and not because of the real-life issues you’re dealing with. 

Mocking her for what she enjoys, however, whether that be Co-Star or any of her other interests, is off-limits. Let her have her fun while reminding her that there’s more to life than your Aries Rising and Virgo Sun. 


Dr. Date 

Read more here: https://mndaily.com/265946/opinion/dr-date-my-girlfriend-is-wayyy-too-into-astrology/
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