Ugly Christmas Sweaters Abound


The holiday season is officially upon us. The world is full of Christmas lights, trees, music and every other tradition imaginable. One of the largest aspects of the season is the Ugly Christmas Sweater. So often, posters go up at work or school about an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest. We end up either making our own or depend on Walmart or Deseret Industries to provide us with one goofy looking sweater. These pieces of clothing are part of the Christmas season. You can’t survive this time of year without at least seeing, if not wearing, one ugly sweater.

How did this odd tradition start? Ugly Christmas Sweaters used to be seen on your great grandma or high school art teacher. Growing up, you would travel for the holidays and be ready to see grandma’s special Christmas sweater with jingle bells sewn on and a giant Christmas tree covering the entire front. Not to mention, this sweater was knit and the product of a rather nice brand of clothing. These sweaters were not considered Ugly Christmas Sweaters at the time. They were merely traditional holiday sweaters. Not only were teachers and family members sporting the sweater, but after some time, television personalities and celebrities began wearing them too. We started seeing Hallmark Christmas specials where the lead romantic couples, who have athletic bodies and could make a potato sack look decent, would wear this kind of sweater. The world was beginning to own the quirkiness of the Ugly Christmas Sweater.

(Courtesy of Flickr)

Why let these beautiful pieces of art just be shown off by just a few select people? The fashion world, or the anti-fashion world, decided to embrace the adorableness and tradition of these sweaters. They may as well add to the coziness of this time of year. Not to mention that this trend is definitely one of the best ice-breakers when meeting the in-laws over the holidays.

With this fashion fad constantly growing, the clothing industry has chosen to fully embrace the chance of gaining more income over the holiday season. Not only does Walmart carry a rotating variety of mass-made Ugly Christmas Sweaters, but larger clothing chains, known for their great fashions, are succumbing. Many people are now going out in search of their Ugly Christmas Sweater, meant to be tacky and perfect for the holidays. Stores are purposefully making these horrendous sweaters. You now have the chance to make your own from just a small box of supplies. There are multiple themes of Ugly Christmas Sweater kits you can find at department stores. Now, you have a fun holiday art craft, as well as a personalized sweater.

The question has been asked, can the new sweaters be bought at a store be considered true Ugly Christmas Sweaters? If you really want to win at the sweater contest being held at school or work this year, go to the thrift store and find an odd-smelling meant to be Ugly Christmas Sweater. There, you will find gold. Plus you will be able to pull off the Ugly Christmas Sweater so well, it’ll become a normal part of your wardrobe. Have fun dressing creatively.


The post Ugly Christmas Sweaters Abound appeared first on Daily Utah Chronicle.

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