Your monthly UC Berkeley horoscope: October 2018

Your monthly UC Berkeley horoscope: October 2018

It’s October, which means it’s all Halloween-themed everything for the next month. To get into the spirit of the month, we at the Clog are here to give you some spooky insight into what October has in store for you here at UC Berkeley.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

It’s Libra Season! Although your birthday doesn’t fall on Halloween, it does fall on the beginning of midterm season. Whether this be your first set of midterms or last few, you’ve got it in the bag. This October, you’ll notice that you are the least stressed out of all of your friends. This could be because of your keen ability to make a plan and stick to it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

This month has a lot in store for you! You’ll be pleasantly surprised when your professor decides to let you bring a cheat sheet to your next midterm or when your GSI doesn’t call on you in discussion when you forgot to do the reading after that crazy Halloween party the night before. Stay on your toes Scorpios — there may be some drama brewing in your friend group.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Hey Sagittarius! Take your nose out of a book for a while and enjoy what you can of the changing seasons in Berkeley! Your love life is looking particularly promising this year, so try to muster up some courage to ask out that guy or gal that you think likes you back!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Your fiery personality will probably find itself slightly dampened this month, Capricorn. You might find yourself going through a bit of a struggle with all the problem sets and quizzes/midterms that have been coming your way. Whether it be the sniffles and coughs or just a gloomy week, just know that you’re not alone.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

All of the hard work you’ve been doing from the past few months is finally going to pay off! That internship you’ve been eyeing since summer is all yours. If you aren’t sure about an upcoming interview, just know with the way things are going right now, there’s nothing to worry about. Try to avoid eating a lot of sugar this month, though, because it might throw off your groove.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

All right Pisces, October is here and so are deadlines. Don’t let your procrastination get you this time. Try having a calendar immediately on hand or try memorizing your daily schedule as best as you can. If you’re feeling a little unmotivated in general, try taking a stroll through campus with good music or buy yourself a delicious hot drink from Caffe Strada.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You may notice that you don’t feel as energized as usual this month, but that’s all right. If you want to work on making sure you don’t rely on webcasts for the rest of the semester, really stay dedicated to a consistent sleep schedule. Maybe you’ll want to cram for that last midterm, but after that, promise yourself to get back on track. This October, you’ll notice yourself becoming more focused on your goals, so channel that energy for the best!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You may have noticed things have started to calm down around you. You’ve really settled in with a few friends that you’re close to. Plus, your social life has stabilized a lot more than a couple of months ago. Try to focus more on yourself this month and great things will follow.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Some exciting things are coming your way this October! You’ll start to notice your friends asking you to hang out more, and the meme you sent out to the meme page got approved! You’ll also notice that, in general, this October you’ll be receiving a lot more attention from peers than usual. If you tend to be more introverted, know when you’ve had enough, but don’t forget that your friends are close by if you ever want a distraction from studying.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

October is going to be a so-so month. There will be highs and lows. Nothing too crazy. You might find yourself getting a lot of joy from finding a new artist to listen to or having enough money saved to buy boba after a long weekend. There may also be some minor inconveniences ahead, but just remember to not take them personally if they come from someone else.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Hey, Leo! If you’re looking for some juicy gossip to cling onto this semester, this month unfortunately doesn’t have it. Maybe try watching reruns of The Bachelorette if you’re in the mood or take a peep at the Berkeley Confessions Facebook page! If you’re looking for a distraction, considering hitting up one of the pregame parties for the upcoming football games.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This October, you may find yourself taking a bit of a break from everything and the craziness that was last month. So, just acknowledge it and take each day as it comes. The worst thing you could do is to force yourself into anything. As a perfectionist, you tend to drain yourself quickly, so make sure you pick and choose who you hang out with this month and whether you really want to tailgate at the next football game or just sleep in instead.

Contact Malvika Singhal at

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