A Mother’s Day Well Spent

As Abraham Lincoln once said, “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother.” These words continue to resonate with us today. They make you question what exactly you can do or buy to give back to the woman (or women) who have given you everything. Mother’s Day is a holiday that stumps everyone for this exact reason. No matter how well you know your mother, there’s always a lingering sense of guilt that you can never repay her for what she’s done for you. The question on everyone’s minds when this day comes around every year is something along the lines of “What can I give to the woman who gave me everything?” Although it’s safe to say your respective mothers should be treated well and adored everyday of the year, there are some things to do that will make the day extra special.

(Photo by: Justin Prather / Daily Utah Chronicle).

Treat Your Mom to a Spa Day

Sign her up for a massage or a mani/pedi, anything to help her relax and get pampered. She deserves to have time to herself on her day. If you’re tight on money, do it at home! You can buy nail polish just about anywhere, and Walmart has great deals on packs of acrylic nails, too. You can pop in her favorite movie and make some snacks as you let the face masks dry.

For pampering Mom, Lush is a great place. It sells gift boxes with a wide variety of items Mom can use to pamper herself. The company has great standards and policies and a good portion of their products benefit charities.

Take Her Shopping

This one is a given, really. Hop in the car, drive Mom to her favorite store and help her pick out some clothes or shoes. Having you there is going to be a big help — she’ll get to ask for opinions and treat herself. If your mother likes to read, a good book is a good idea to consider as well.

Cook Her Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

Even if you’re terrible at cooking, track down some help and take the time to make Mom a meal. She’s done it for you time and time again, and now that you’re growing older you can do the same. You can always take her out to eat at a favorite restaurant, but cooking the meal yourself will add to the experience.

(Photo by: Justin Prather / Daily Utah Chronicle).

Give Her Something Homemade

This doesn’t mean kiddie crafts, obviously. Putting thought into a homemade gift is always going to be more valued than a store-bought gift. A good suggestion for this is “read me when” letters. It’s one of those gifts that keeps on giving and can be opened on more than one occasion. This is a good option for those of us that aren’t around all year. It will make moms feel like there is still a part of you with them while you’re at college. The letters are kind of like the grown up version of “parent coupons,” you know, like “this coupon is good for 50 free hugs.” Alternatively, if you are any type of artist, consider making a new piece for your mother.

There are tons of other ideas beside the ones I’ve listed that would make superb Mother’s Day gifts, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that all moms just want to spend time with their kids and feel appreciated. Sometimes the best gift of all is time that is unplanned. Our lives are all on schedules, so use Mother’s Day — and any day you can — as an opportunity to break away from that and just simply be with your mom.



The post A Mother’s Day Well Spent appeared first on Daily Utah Chronicle.

Read more here: http://dailyutahchronicle.com/2018/05/15/a-mothers-day-well-spent/
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