8 Words College Students Respond To

College students represent a vastly unique group of people from different backgrounds, values, and belief systems. However, there are a few things college students can agree on, such as the importance of saving time and money.

Use the following eight words in your marketing strategy to get college students to respond.

1. Free

The image of the poor, broke college student living on Ramen noodles and never having enough quarters for laundry likely enters your mind here. However, there is some truth to this, as college students pay buckets of money for tuition, room and board, and other fees. Students love free things, whether that is free food, a free product, or even free advice. Using the word “free” will grab and hold college students’ attention.



2. Discount/Save

Similarly, any use of the words “discount” or “save” will catch the eye of the busy, penniless college student. College students strive to save money to pay back their student loans and to get started on their after-graduation housing funds. The second best thing to “free” to a college student is a discounted price for products and services. Students also love saving time — between classes, jobs, internships and social activities, this is a busy bunch!

3. Hacks

Speaking of saving time, students appreciate advice or tips on how to get things done quickly or more effectively. “Hacks” indicate to students that they are about to learn how to do something in a new way, meaning they can use their time for something they would rather do. For instance, the phrase “study hacks,” indicates a student will learn how to study more efficiently; “apartment maintenance hacks,” could mean they will learn how to unclog their sink using minimal tools.

4. Scholarship/Awards Program

Scholarships help students pay for part of (or all of, in some cases) their school tuition, saving students both time and money. Students like finding new scholarship and award program opportunities where they can compete with other students to win some funds for their education. Words like “awards” and “scholarship” signal to students the chance to win some free money or other prizes.

5. Paid/Job

Lastly, students hunt for jobs and internships throughout the duration of their college experience. Paid internships grab the most attention, as these tend to be rare for many students who end up settling for unpaid opportunities to bulk up their resume. Any paid opportunities allow students to gain experience while learning valuable skills for the future. Students are always on the hunt for the word “job,” scouring the internet for part-time and full-time opportunities.

Now that you know some words college students respond to, create the perfect press release targeted towards college students and submit to UWire.com!