Robles: Avoid stressing this spring break

Spring break is the time of year that students revel in the lack of schoolwork – despite the limited amount of time given. Students go on trips, volunteer or simply hang around at home without much worry.

For many, being able to go home for a week means relaxing family time and home-cooked meals.

“I think our parents are going to be ecstatic to have us home,” said Jack Good, pre-business major.

Spending time with family after months away is always a good time, but one of the best parts of spring break is just getting a week away from the same surroundings that have gotten dreary over winter term. A restful trip home can help people de-stress from classes and give a break from dealing with professors, classmates and roommates.

“I’m used to sleeping alone,” said Armen Araradian, journalism major. “My room is twice the size of the one here.”

Getting out of the dorms for a week means many students get to go back to having their own room and personal space. Getting out of a crowded house for a week means many students get a break from cleaning up their other roommates’ messes.

Aside from what students are escaping from, there are also so many pleasurable activities that are available during spring break. Spring break for me is all about the warmth of the sun, tanning and beach sports. Merely thinking about the smell of the ocean and the texture of the sand under my feet makes me get excited for the opportunities that might present themselves.

While many destinations are warm and sunny during spring break, it is also a time where people can still find some places to have fun in the snow. No matter what type of vacation is taken, it is important to make sure this break is well spent.

As much joy and relaxation that spring break brings, there’s also a fatal downfall: spring break is just too short. There’s too much to do and not enough time to get it done.

There’s a constant need to configure course schedules with work schedules, buy every book necessary for classes, ensure that you’re still in good standing to graduate and try to snatch the final spots in those last-minute courses that students have dropped over break.

“With only having a week break, you really only get two or three days to relax,” said Abby Kardek, human physiology major. “Then the rest you spend starting over for next term.”

Spring break has slowly become a week of silent torture. Students are struggling against the desire to relax and the obligation to prepare for the next term. The stress from the previous term never truly leaves as spring term is ever-looming in the back of our minds.

It seems that, even on break, despite the lack of schoolwork, many students are still worried about school and can’t take the stress. What good is a break from classes, if you’re never actually able to get into a relaxing mindset?

Spring break is supposed to be a time for students to relax and breathe after getting through finals week. Yet, instead of being rewarded for completing another term, students have to worry about how they’ll get through the next one.

Being stressed is never the way to go. If you find yourself worried about the term ahead, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. You deserve this break.

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