Gov. Jerry Brown’s revised state budget shows increased cuts to California higher education

By Anjuli Sastry

Gov. Jerry Brown’s revised state budget shows increased cuts to California higher education

Gov. Jerry Brown released the revised California state budget Monday, which predicts and prepares for cuts to primary, secondary and higher education, among other items pertaining to state funding.

In a press conference Monday morning, Brown talked about the cuts that reflect state revenues that were lower than anticipated. The plan is contingent on whether the state legislature votes to pass the budget when it meets next month.

“It’s a difficult budget, and it reflects the fact that revenues were lower than expected,” said Brown at the press conference Monday morning. “We have a more difficult problem, and we’re going to have to cut deeper. But cutting alone really doesn’t do it.”

The UC Board of Regents will discuss a potential 6 percent fee hike for students — as a result of cuts in state funding — at their meeting Wednesday in Sacramento. Further hikes will likely be implemented if Brown’s tax initiative on the November ballot does not pass.

“Higher education, while avoiding most of the significant cuts, has a lot to lose if the Governor’s tax measure doesn’t pass,” said Steve Boilard, director of higher education for the Legislative Analyst’s Office.

Despite the cuts to funding, the budget proposes a total funding of $22.5 billion for higher education for 2012-13, which is $367.5 million more than was allocated to higher education last year.

In a statement released Monday in response to the budget, UC spokesperson Steve Montiel said the budget shows that Brown considers public higher education a priority for the state.

“His proposal is part of a long process, so at this point it would be premature to predict what the impact of the final 2012-13 state budget will be on the University of California,” Montiel said in the statement. “We will continue to seek a long-term funding agreement with the state that will provide the stable fiscal footing needed to preserve the University’s quality, access and affordability.”

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