Album review: Coldplay reheats old tricks for new success

By Matthew Lovett

Album review: Coldplay reheats old tricks for new success

The band Coldplay has built itself for arena purposes. It has a knack for writing simple songs with a larger-than-life sound for the sole purpose of instilling emotion and absolutely forcing one to sing along.

This is exactly what Coldplay has done with the prior records, from “Parachutes” to “Viva la Vida,” and they do this again with “Mylo Xyloto.”

The album has its fair share of built-up chants, littered with plenty of “ohs” and “las.” The second single from the album, “Paradise,” is full of them.

“Mylo” thus proves itself to be sonically captivating in much the same manner of its predecessors. “Charlie Brown,” “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall,” and “Don’t Let it Break Your Heart” have the same power (or intended power) of “Fix You” or “Viva la Vida.” They’re strong, musically busy tracks with happily memorable melodies and empathetic lyrics.

There is a great deal of synthpop and electronic influence in this year of music, and “Mylo” is no exception. The Rihanna-featured “Princess of China” has those poppy sensibilities as well as much of the instrumentation of the album’s first single, “Every Teardrop.”

“Us Against the World” is a “cute” song. It primarily features lead singer Chris Martin and an acoustic guitar, with some very ‘90s alternative rock backing. It takes a break from much of the album’s fast-paced quality but definitely still supplies that same impassioned lyricism, much to the same manner as “X&Y’s” final track, “Til Kingdom Come.” The track “U.F.O.” provides a more minimal version of this same type of song.

The album’s sole dreary track is “Major Minus,” combining a rigid two-chord pattern with a dissonant electric guitar line. The lyrics are winding and synthesize a sort of confusion within the voices of the song. Nonetheless, outside of the album’s minor key disorientation, the chorus is flooded with “ohs” galore.

Creating something completely “new” is not a strong point for Coldplay. Its lyrics cover much the same feeling and concepts (if they really are present).

Alongside lyricism, they still are musically “big” as they are on every one of their previous records.

Regardless, Coldplay knows what it is doing with its songwriting and it know how to connect. I sincerely doubt that the band’s talent will ever deter.

Grade: B

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