Urecognize.com, start up, launches the appreciation movement

Urecognize.com officially opens its doors today and launches the appreciation movement. The website will enable millions worldwide to recognize and appreciate friends, students, family, employees, companies, and organizations, for a job well done, a good deed, an accomplishment, among a host of other positive categories for free.

At Urecognize the philosophy is that you should appreciate people. Saying “thank you”, “job well done”, “congratulations”, or any words that convey heartfelt gratitude and appreciation should happen daily. Urecognize is a great way to appreciate people, companies, projects, and organizations and share the good news with a network of friends and associates.  If someone says thank you, everyone should know about it, not just you.

“This is a project I have wanted to create for a long time,” Maria Gomez, founder of Urecognize.com “We all have been in situations where we feel we have not been recognized or have been taken for granted after putting in hard work. The urecognize system encourages recognition and the spreading of appreciation beyond your inner circle.”

Urecognize.com tools enable members to send and receive appreciation messages.  Members can then share the messages with friends and associates, enabling the spread of good news and positive feedback.  The system is also free to use, because saying thank you should never come at a price.

Through the Urecognize system, members are able to send a Recognition Email to one or more individuals, a business or organization, that provides a positive appreciation message and contains a link to a printable online certificate of recognition.

What else can you do at Urecognize.com?

– Upload an image with your posting. If you are a business, feel free to upload your logo. You can even link your image to a website.

– After you send a Recognition, the receiver receives your message AND a FREE CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION that they can print.

– Sender or Receiver can share it with friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, and a host of other social sites.

– The Sender can also view when the Recognition was opened by the Receiver.

– With the Send to Friends Report, the Receiver can even see when their friends have read the good news that someone appreciated them.

– The receiver can send a Thank You via the system to the Recognizer, to continue the Appreciation Movement.

– With the Send to Friends Report, the Receiver can even see when their friends have read the good news that someone appreciated them.

– Want to send a recognition gift, you also do this via the Urecognize store.

– The Dashboard gives you access to all your recognitions and provides you details on your recognition account, all from one location.

– And there is more so register to see.

At uRecognize we are creating a culture in which recognition is ongoing and spreads.

We developed uRecognize because we realize appreciation is nice, but it’s infrequent and many times many good deeds are overlooked or not known by your network of friends and business associates. In the uRecognize world appreciation is not a special event — it is part of our day-to-day living.

If you want to strengthen your relationships at home, work, school, with family and friends, the key is appreciating and recognizing what those around you do for you and letting others know.

The appreciation movement has started, spread positive news.

For more information please email: press@urecognize.com.
