University of Kansas to look into gender-neutral bathrooms

By Adam Strunk

The University of Kansas LGBT resource center has established a new gender-neutral bathroom task force this semester.

The task force is conducting a survey on the amount of gender-neutral bathrooms on campus as well as single-stalled bathrooms that can be converted into gender-neutral bathrooms. The task force wants to create more campus bathrooms that serve the diversity of university students and their needs.

“There are restrooms that can be easily altered with changing the sign on the door,” said Diane Genther, LGBT Resource Center coordinator and task force member.

Genther said that more gender-neutral bathrooms would help transgender students, disabled students with a different gendered attendant and parents with different gendered children.

“It’s an issue that potentially affects a lot of people,” Genther said. “Its important that we be thinking about the needs of these students and making their campus experience as comfortable as possible.”

Task force members will share their survey findings at the task force’s next meeting on March 8. For those interested in attending, the meeting will be held from noon to 1 p.m. in the International Room of the Kansas Union.

Note: According to Genther a gender neutral restroom is a bathroom that anybody can use regardless of their sex and gender identification.

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