Column: Patriot’s Day is a time to consider our convictions

By LTC Jon Negin

Nine years ago most of us unbelievingly watched in horror and searched for any fathomable reason why anyone would want to commit such abject atrocities against the United States. What would make someone hate us, our way of life or our policies so much as to ruthlessly destroy so many innocent lives and families? After all, don’t we represent the Land of the Free, an Eternal Torch of Liberty and a Shining Beacon of Hope and Justice for the world? How could some misguided groups celebrate such attacks?

Despite a string of terrorist attacks against the US, our lofty ideals sometimes blind us to the reality that twisted criminals, despots and terrorists don’t understand or value the same basic precepts that we consider the birthright of all individuals – instead, they corrupt otherwise benign ideals, religions or causes to wreak mayhem and destruction to further both their own power and their parochial and hateful agendas. They manipulate perceptions and twist the definition of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice towards their own malevolent ends.

The immediate emotions of 9/11 were clear and forceful – shock, dismay, rage, incomprehension. These powerful emotions echo through time, especially for those who lost loved ones in the attacks or in the ongoing campaigns to deliver justice and prevent further such attacks. How should we reflect and respond to our emotions and move forward to live up to our ideals both as individuals and a Nation?

We now call 9/11 Patriots’ Day in remembrance of those who lost their lives at the World Trade Center and Pentagon that day, from the first responders who bravely and selflessly came to the aid of their fellow man in the name of duty to the courageous passengers on United Flight 93 who prevented even further destruction sought by enemies of the United States.

On Patriots’ Day we should all examine the strength of our conviction in our ideals as individuals and as a Nation to continue to be the Land of the Free, an Eternal torch of Liberty, and a Shining Beacon of Hope and Justice for the world. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights boldly set forth our ideals and require constant scrutiny by our citizens so that we live up to our hopes for a better way of life for all humankind.

We must bring to justice to and remain eternally vigilant for those who are still planning to attack Freedom, Justice, and Liberty through terror, destruction, and tyranny of ideas. There are many forms of government and society, but we must demonstrate to the world that the best means to approaching the potential of humankind is through peaceful processes, while paradoxically forcefully standing up to those who have clearly demonstrated they have no intention of pursuing peaceful interests or discourse.

We share a small, shrinking planet with all of humankind, where rogue individuals can access devastating technology to harm others in the name of twisted ideals. On 9/11, let all patriots in all peaceful nations remember the loftier ideals that can elevate humankind; yet also let them remain vigilant to defeat those who would tear us apart through oppression and work with leaders who will join us on a path towards peace, enlightenment, and prosperity.

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