Senate pushes for service website

By Megan Doyle

The Student Senate unanimously passed a resolution at their meeting Wednesday proposing, a website to centralize information about service opportunities both on campus and in the local community for U. Notre Dame students.

“The goal for this resolution is to take the first step in the longer process of trying to clarify service opportunities at Notre Dame,” social concerns chair Pat McCormick said.

McCormick said the Center for Social Concerns (CSC) and student government want to reach out to people who do not have a direct link to some of the possible volunteer activities.

The University’s mission statement calls for a concern for common good, and therefore, a commitment to service, the resolution said.

“We have some of the greatest opportunities for service of any college or university in the country,” McCormick said. “But people are not always getting involved outside of what they hear about through their friends.”

The resolution said a listing such as “has the potential to significantly increase involvement in service on campus and in the community.”

The website would centralize scattered information as well as “bridge the gap between University events and community events,” McCormick said.

“I think if a lot of people miss signing up for something during Activities Night, then they do not know how to get involved,” Badin Hall senator Ellen Carroll said. “I think this is a great idea.”

The Committee for Social Concerns is working with the CSC, student government, service organizations and the Office of Information Technologies to determine the mechanics of the site, McCormick said.

McCormick said students and service organizations would also be able to post information about the entire spectrum of available volunteer opportunities.

“This website would not be just a laundry list of service opportunities,” McCormick said. “It will clarify the layout of service opportunities on campus.”

Cavanaugh Hall senator Tegan Chapman said ensuring information is current would be the biggest challenge in maintaining the website.

Other websites like do not always provide up-to-date information, Chapman said.

McCormick said the only way would follow its goals would be if the administrators were able to provide current calendars.

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