Officers in Kofi shooting return to duty

By Andrew Pantazi

Four of the five officers involved in the Corry Village shooting incident on March 2 have been reinstated to their duties with the University Police Department.

Only Lt. Stacy Ettel, the commanding officer when 35-year-old Kofi Adu-Brempong was shot in his apartment, has not been reinstated.

The other four officers-Bill Ledger, Keith Smith, William Sasser and James Mabry-were reinstated Thursday to their former positions, except for Sasser who will now join the motorcycle unit.

Since the incident, UPD has maintained a full staff by moving officers who were normally off-patrol to patrol duty, according to UPD spokesman Capt. Jeff Holcomb.

Meanwhile, the officers have been doing non-uniformed, office duties, Holcomb said.

Sasser has been assisting Holcomb with bike registrations, answering phone calls and other office duties, Holcomb said.

According to UF spokeswoman Janine Sikes, UPD’s internal affairs investigation regarding the shooting is still ongoing.

“We’re still working through the final pieces of the investigation process and the internal affairs process,” she said.

According to a UF press release, the university has contracted Margolis Healy & Associates to “evaluate UF’s internal affairs review protocols and ensure that the police department strictly followed them during the internal review process.”

UF police officers shot the Ghanian graduate student in the face while responding to a neighbor’s call. The neighbor heard screaming from Adu-Brempong’s on-campus Corry Village apartment, according to police reports.

Adu-Brempong would not allow the police officers into his apartment, according to Alligator archives.

Officers talked to him through an open window for about two and half hours before he fell silent, police reports said.

The officers said they forced their way into the apartment because they feared Adu-Brempong had harmed himself, according to Alligator archives. In the days prior to the incident, Adu-Brempong had been exhibiting mentally disturbed behavior, according to police reports.

The reports said that when Adu-Brempong approached the officers, they fired two Tasers, which failed to connect, three rounds of bean-bag shots, which failed to subdue him, and two shots from a .223 caliber rifle.

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