The Good, the Bad, and the WTF? of 2010

By Juan Gallo


Sandra Bullock Wins Oscar
Sandra Bullock defied odds by beating out heavy-hitters like Helen Mirren, Carey Mulligan, and Meryl Streep, to take home the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in “The Blindside.” What was most ironic is that she also won the Razzie for worst actress of the year for her role in “All About Steve.”

iPad Dominates
When Steve Job announced and displayed the iPad back in January, the Internet was filled with complaints and people whining about how it was pretty much just a really big iPhone that wasn’t a phone. However, that didn’t stop anyone from going out and getting one the minute it was released. The iPad has sold over one million units and continues to rise in popularity as more and more apps are created every day.

NFL Draft
In celebration of its 75th year, the NFL Draft made the risky leap to primetime. For the first time ever, the draft was held over three days starting on Thursday, Apr. 22 at 7:30pm and lasting until Saturday, Apr. 24th. The gamble paid off as the draft received higher ratings and more viewership than the NBA playoffs which ran at the same time marking a significant milestone for the league.

Conan O’Brien
After receiving a raw deal from NBC who wanted to move his Tonight Show from 11:35pm to 12:05am in order to make room for Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien decided it was time to walk away and left the show. He received incredible support from a nation of loyal viewers who lovingly nicknamed him “Coco.” O’Brien recently signed a deal to host a show on the cable network TBS which will begin airing in November, and all of Coco nation will be tuning in.

Betty White in the Spotlight
“The Golden Girls” are not a thing of the past. The lovable and hilarious Betty White has made quite a comeback this year receiving a lifetime achievement award at this year’s Screen Actors Guild Awards and hosting SNL. The 88-year-old has had quite a career and if 2010 is any indication there is still plenty Betty left for us to enjoy.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter – The Book
For those of us out there who are into supernatural things like vampires, zombies, and the undead but have no patience for sappy love stories and screaming fifteen year-old girls – there is “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.” He was already one of the coolest, most heroic historical figures of all-time and now he’s killing vampires – this is epic. Put this on your list of immediate must-reads.

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution
Greasy hamburgers, fried chicken, buttery biscuits – this food is delicious but it’s killing us. Jamie Oliver is a British chef who has crossed the Atlantic to rescue us from our self-destructive dietary ways. On a mission to stop childhood obesity, Jamie’s show on ABC, “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution,” is the chef’s attempt to teach us that there is a better way to eat.


Jesse James, the Idiot
So your wife, Sandra Bullock, is beautiful, talented, madly in love with you, and has just reached the pinnacle of her career winning the Oscar for Best Actress, which she mostly dedicated to you, so what do you do? Well, you cheat on her with a lizard-looking, nazi-uniform wearing, tattooed, hideous woman of course. You’re an idiot!

Nature’s Wrath
Who can explain why Mother Earth is becoming a self-destructive, suicidal individual all of a sudden? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she gives and gives and all we do is take and take. We’ve certainly received quite a wake-up call this year with all the extreme weather we have been having across the world – from volcanoes erupting, to snowstorms, to floods. Though not everything is in our control, our resources are limited and we need to start showing Momma Earth some love.

Tiger’s Wood
The Notorious B.I.G. said it best when he said, “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems.” Perhaps in Tiger Wood’s case he should’ve said, “Mo’ money, less brains, mo’ problems, wife goes to town on your face.” Whatever Tiger, we’re over it. You’re filthy rich and you’re the victim right? Just hit the golf ball, that’s what you’re good at.

Toyota’s Don’t Know When to Stop …Literally. Toyota’s have brake issues. If you wanted a car with problems you’d buy your neighbors used Ford Focus, but when you buy a new car the last thing you expect is problems. Apparently that’s not what Toyota believes. Rollovers, no brakes, random acceleration – you name it, Toyota’s got it. So be careful out there if you’re in a Toyota or just around one.

Arizona’s Heat Exhaustion
It must be too hot in Arizona and this must be affecting people’s brains. Let’s look into that. I seriously cannot find any other logical reason for the ridiculous laws being enforced in that state. Now, any cop can pull you over if they have suspicions that you are an illegal immigrant, can you say racial profiling? They also want to prohibit ethnic studies in local schools, seriously? California is boycotting Arizona travel for businesses and I’m boycotting the entire state in general. Who’s with the Governator and me?

Jay Leno’s Bluff
Jay Leno, you honorably passed the baton to young Conan O’Brien to take the reins of the Tonight Show as you rode off into retirement sunset. Then you took it back? What? I’m confused. You are not funny, your hair is weird (but not cool like Conan’s), your voice is annoying and your chin petrifies me. It’s called showmanship, leave them wanting more, not stuff it down their throats.

National Backstabbing Company, you suck. Go team Coco! I’ve said my piece.

Celebrity Deaths/Scandals Galore
The price of fame is a costly one and sometimes it costs you your life. Celebrities like Michael Jackson, Corey Feldman, and Brittany Murphy are dropping like flies in this day and age and the public is left wondering what is going on? If this celebrity death epidemic continues who will we have left to read about in tabloids or stalk on twitter or tune in to TMZ for? Uh-oh.

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